Nude Nugs New Website!

We are extatic to announce the launch of our freshly trimmed up website! Huge shout out to Sossed Media for elevating our digital presence with a very clean, modern, simple to navigate website. We are excited to be working with Sossed on many more of our future projects! Visit them at

What to expect at

Besides amazing spreads on nugs, you will have access to professional quality, super high resolution, photos, posters, trading cards, calendars and much more. Our focus is assisting farmers, gardeners, and the likes by building their nug portfolio for them so they can focus on what matters most, FARMING! Trust us, there is no photos of nugs without amazing farmers!

We will be presenting their fruits of endless labor to the digital world. This includes tradeshows of the wellness, cannabis, and smoke shop industries. Our name, being so recognizable, and adds a unique entertainment element to any tradeshow, dispensary or retail outlet.

Our promise is to continually provide fresh, captivating, nug concepts that every cannabis lover will anxiously await its next release. Our branding alone has events demanding Nude Nugs make an appearance. Our street teams, models, marketers, and event coordinators are of a breed that guarantees premium top shelf quality and results. Learn more at our Media page.

Again, thank you to all of those that have contributed along this journey bringing Nude Nugs to physical fruition. Get ready for one an amazing journey, and don’t forget to share us with your friends!